Sep 19, 2009


it was a big day for me today as i have to face my biggest fear. and that is, LAST MINUTE SHOPPING and SUNKAI OUTSIDE. it was tough, i tell youu. haha.

after went to tutong to visits my late cousins and grannies, the family and i went straight to booked a place for fast breaking. one thing that annoyed me was, why people cut my line?? youre supposed to que up, matee. i have to be near my mum; since she was right infront of me, so noone cuts. haha and one more thing that i like about this peoples are, diorang saluk-saluk ahh. lol. sudah tah hampir ku dengan mama tu, ada tia tangan keluar dari tangah-tangah kami ah. di bawah lagi tu. nasib tahan iman, mun inda sungkai arab eh :p

done with the meal, we went straight to uwai's house. dad wants to go somewhere with him. oh btw, i met BAZILAAAAAHHH. haha bazilah buleh jalan dah now. cuteeee. hope you can speak soon, zilah. and hope your first words will be 'uncle herul' lol.

now left mum, si bungsu and me. dorang tempat lain. hee. we went to gadong. eh, waitt. scratch that. we didnt go to gadong, since the traffic was horrible. it was like miles away to reach mall. so kami went to first emporium instead. or better known as 'kadai kuning'. there, kami sanang cari parking. but di dalam, erghh. RAMAI WAH. walaupun inda betamu gigi, its still ramai for me. haha. oh btw, i saw si kambar tadi. urang AE md-ians. inda ku tagur. hehe. paning dah pasal crowd tu :p

then balik, usai-ing rumah. its far more better than going for shopping. lol. i did vacuum-ing and sweeping. inda ngaleh yaw. inda macam shopping tadi :p

alright, untill here. letih dah. skype-ing dengan nisa lagi. haha


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