Oct 31, 2008

dating tips.

i cant sleep. i just read muiz's blog. he's giving some advice to his friend, so i decided to share my experience in dating too. haha. there 3 types:
1. the hard way.
2. the easy way.
3. the irony way. haha.
no.3 is my most 'powerful' experience ever, since i live with it for about 4 years. then the easy way before the hard one was when i tried to date my recent girl najla. believe me she's damn hard! haha it took er 2 years, i guess. correct me dear.

the hard way.
be friend with her as what iz's advice was. in the meantime, try to suit yourself with her life style. trust me, this is one of the hard part. but when you've got used to it, you'll be perfect with her. the best time to tackle her heart is when she's having trouble with her life, or boyfriend. ahh-haa. you heard me, BOYFRIEND. haha. but stick this to your brain 'SHE'S NOT YOURS, NOT YET! SO BACK OFF!!' haha what im trying to say is be the one who can listen to her. when she need someone, leave everything what youre doing. and get on with her. listen to her problems and try to solve it together. try to make her atleast smile and cheered. i miss this part, it has been a long time. haha. and remember this, dont EVER try to hurt her. at this stage it is like walking above silaturahim. haha despite you know how to pujuk2 and sweet talk, you might save your ass from burning. haha. and the rest, be yourself, stop being selfish, laugh at her jokes *walaupun inda cali bro. haha*, never ever talk dirt or better to say lucah to her. haha but if she started with it, then thats your luck, try to make herself comfortable with and always be with her whenever she's around or whatsoever. be nice and TRY to promise her you'll always make her happy are the main priority.

the rest, its up to you. she'll give the 'clue' wheather she's interested in you or the other way round. i cant advice more. different types of girls, have different personality and pasion. haha.

xoxo, naj

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