Nov 3, 2010


you made me have the mixed feeling when youre around.
the feeling that i cant explain.
all i can do is to smile and enjoy every limited second i have with you.
i wish that we have all the time to spent together with no one holding us back.
i want this feeling to last forever, just as much as you do.
i know just how much you love me.
youre just the perfect girl im looking for, baby.


i love you so so very very banar banar much
i never get tired to say this.

mouth watering. rawr, sayang.
HAHA! <3

Sep 25, 2010

untuk renungan bersama.

Seorang ahli ibadah bernama Isam Bin Yusuf, sangat warak dan khusyuksolatnya. Namun, dia selalu khuatir kalau-kalau ibadahnya kurang khusyuk dan selalu bertanya kepada orang yang dianggapnya lebih ibadahnya, demi untuk memperbaiki dirinya yang selalu dirasainya kurang khusyuk.

Pada suatu hari, Isam menghadiri majlis seorang abid bernama Hatim Al-Assam dan bertanya, "Wahai Aba Abdurrahman, bagaimanakah caranya tuan solat?"

Hatim berkata, "Apabila masuk waktu solat, aku berwudhu' zahir dan batin."

Isam bertanya, "Bagaimana wudhu' zahir dan batin itu?"

Hatim berkata, "Wudhu' zahir sebagaimana biasa iaitu membasuh semua anggota wudhu' dengan air". Sementara wudhu' batin ialah membasuh anggota dengan tujuh perkara :-* Bertaubat* Menyesali dosa yang telah dilakukan* Tidak tergila-gilakan dunia* Tidak mencari/mengharap pujian orang (riya')* Tinggalkan sifat berbangga* Tinggalkan sifat khianat dan menipu* Meninggalkan sifat dengki.

Seterusnya Hatim berkata, "Kemudian aku pergi ke masjid, aku kemaskan semua anggotaku dan menghadap kiblat.

Aku berdiri dengan penuh kewaspadaan dan aku rasakan:1.aku sedang berhadapan dengan Allah,2.Syurga di sebelah kananku,3.Neraka di sebelah kiriku,4.Malaikat Maut berada di belakangku, dan5.aku bayangkan pula aku seolah-olah berdiri di atas titian 'Siratal mustaqim' dan menganggap bahawa solatku kali ini adalah solat terakhir bagiku, kemudian aku berniat dan bertakbir dengan baik."
"Setiap bacaan dan doa didalam solat, aku faham maknanya kemudian akurukuk dan sujud dengan tawadhuk, aku bertasyahud dengan penuhpengharapan dan aku memberi salam dengan ikhlas. Beginilah aku bersolatselama 30 tahun."

Apabila Isam mendengar, menangislah dia kerana membayangkan ibadahnyayang kurang baik bila dibandingkan dengan Hatim.

Sep 8, 2010

this is so us, farah :)

i love us this way.
we need to communicate between us so tani okay okay je.
fight means nothing but (y)
it makes us understand each other more despite being hurt
im trying real hard so we'll make it through everything
we need to stay together, love
till death do us apart.
and i need your help juaa ;p
hope we will stay cemanii ;)
i love youu, parah ;p

Sep 6, 2010

oh my. its september already??

gila jua. its SEPTEMBER for god sake!
haha okay, first of all.
i'd like to say HAPPY 3rd MONTHSARY to siti syakina @ farah and md khairul falah.
hee long live the couple ;p

and secondly,
its like how many days to come?
3? who cares? its coming anyhow ;p

i finally owned a new car! ;D
its not my choice though, but i dont care!
hehe driving tah ku ni time raya.
its mazda 2 :(

second last,
i failed my geo.
fuck you! haha ;p
8/50 for both paper.

and last but not least,

bye :)

Aug 15, 2010

surprise!! :(

mock is coming real soooooooooonnnn
and its like in not more than 24hours! O.O
tomorrow will be my first paper!!
geo p2 and p3.
oh my.
just revise natural hazard :s
on earthquake and volcano.
coastal, tourism and environmental degradation lagi balum.

hope love doesnt read this sometimes this week.
or i'll be dead!
nyahaha :p

i miss you, farah

Aug 9, 2010

happy birthday, love :)

remember that i tried to make us 'happening' again?
i did something that's surely a success ;)
i made her a surprised birthday party.
unfortunately i invited a couple of friends.
julia and fakhrul.
i went well :)
though something unexpected had happened.
bari malu. haha but we surely had a good laugh at it :D

anyhow, happy belated birthday
siti syakina @ farah :)


Aug 5, 2010

she's still as stubborn as before.

its been a long week for me.
since the incident occur.
cant help it but to get mad at her. im so sorry, <3
you're still my everything :)
you know that.
please don't keep your secret away from me, okay?
you stubborn lil girl :p
i love you.

we still are suffering from those 'tragedy'
and im trying to make us cool semula. but payah jua :p
masih ada 'dull' atu.
atleast i tried.
it shows i love her ;)


Jul 30, 2010


im too lazy to update myself in this blog.
oh well, atleast now i have something to say ;)

and i think you know what it is.
the new month is coming, and our monthsary jua.
its our 2nd months and we're still good.
no fight and blablablaa. haha.

my laptop!!
its with my cousin. reformatting.
i miss my laptop~
now im using my mum's.
its pretty BIGG. and i find it hard to type. haha paann~

ramadhan is in about 10 days?
haven't qadha the last one. bila agaknya aa? haha
payah gastrict anii -.-'

ohh. here's an important announcement.
in 16 days, i ada mock! :s
belum pigang buku ah.
cemana kan pass ni?
kalau bedoa buleh bagi pass, alhamdulilah~
wish me luck :D and doa2 kan jua ah ;)

farah, i love you.
and you know that :)

Jul 18, 2010

please please plese.

oh no~
jangan dulu damam!!
i sneez a lot tonight. huhh.
hope its not a sign for a headache.

okay, forget about it.
scratch that :)

i love siti syakina @ farah.
all i need is you, you and you.
stay close dont go.

Jun 23, 2010

brown eyes :D

a song for me :D
brown eyes from the destiny's child :D

Jun 20, 2010

so, holiday is over.

today is the last day of holiday.
i dont know weather its good or not.
its been a great holiday, i'd say.
for the first week was awesome!!
had the trip to miri and gua niah was the best trip EVER!
though i have to leave si gf for a few days. hee.
then another trip was held 2 days later.
it was to the tasek merimbun.
was fun. didnt know we have to walk few km(?) inside.
i wore a slipper! haha.
then sir taught us how to survive in the jungle.
not a real one, really.
we didnt bring the bbq set, so pakai yang old way tah saja.

and i enjoyed fishing with the cousin during the first week.
it was fun! :D
i didnt catch anything :(

the 2nd week was so so.
just like the ordinary holiday.
going out with the cousins and friends.
but not with DHU geng.
thats unfortunate. kah?
haha biar!

so, goodbye sweet holiday :D
hello school and err teachers :s
and hello, girlfriend :D
will be seeing you everyday from now~ ♥

i leave you with a picture yang ku suka
liat, but jangan ambil.
aku punya ni :p

sweet things to do for your girlfriend

this post is specially for my friends yang ada masalah sikit.
this tips can also be use untuk ngurat. hehe ;)
make it useful ah, jangan salah guna *ops!*

  1. Surprise her!
  2. Always hold your girlfriend around her hips/sides.
  3. Give her back rubs.
  4. Brush her hair out of her face for her.
  5. Buy gifts for her.
  6. Buy your girlfriend a ring.
  7. Call from your vacation spot to tell her you were thinking about her.
  8. Dedicate songs to her on the radio.
  9. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that she has to look in a mirror to read it.
  10. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call her and say I love you.
  11. Fall asleep on the phone with her.
  12. Find out her favorite cologne and wear it every time you're together.
  13. French kiss.
  14. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.
  15. Hang out with your girlfriend's friends.
  16. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart.
  17. Learn from her and don't make the same mistake twice.
  18. Let your girlfriend sit on your lap.
  19. Look into your girlfriend's eyes.
  20. Make sacrifices for her.
  21. Never forget the kiss goodnight. And always remember to say, "Sweet dreams."
  22. Put your hands in her back pocket!
  23. Put love notes in her pockets when she isn't looking.
  24. Roses.
  25. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure she knows you mean it.
  26. Stand up for her when someone talks trash.
  27. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.
  28. Whisper to her.
  29. Make her feel extra special on her birthday.
  30. Laugh with her.
  31. Bring your girlfriend favorite coffee drink to her work.
  32. Make her a yummy snack.
  33. Cook her dinner by candlelight.
  34. Take her out for a day of fun! (To an amusement park, zoo, etc.)
  35. Spend time getting to know her family.

Jun 17, 2010

last night

last night kami skype :D
we had a fight.
a sweet fight, i'd say.
both of us inda mau click the red button.
yang the one untuk tutup video call.
it took more than an hour untuk menutup
and love kusut aa.
she looks soooo cute bila ia marah :p
im so inloveee. hee.
last last i go nyamal and tarus tutup.
now masih lagi menyamal ni.
balum ia message aa :/
i miss her.
biar ia message dulu. kena pujuk jua *hehe :p*

hehe cute kan?

Jun 16, 2010

this is love

hola :D
i dont have much to say
but a simple I LOVE YOU to you,

siti syakina @ farah :)
youre always be the one

Jun 13, 2010

siapakan niii? -.-

i know ada urang marah ni.
but i cant help it.
i love her.

time skype :p

Jun 12, 2010

im back in Brunei :D

i've been staying in Miri for 2 days and 1 night masa 10hb
ada geo trip.
it was the best geo trip ever!
maybe the best trip aku pernah ikut la.
gambar nya ada pulang ni sikit sikit,
tapi malas jua ku kan upload.
nanti tah ah :p

the 1st day kami ke gua niah.
ngaleh wah bejalan sana atu.
pikirtah lapas sampai sana tu jalan kaki sikit saja.
rupanya jauh ah.
inda pulang ngaleh banar, fit kali ah. HAHA.
sangal saja :p
its was fun.
sir gugur and aku ketawa kan. cali. HAHA.
nyasal ku inda bawa lampu suluh aa.
galap wah yo. kalau kamu ke niah nanti, jangan lupa lampu ah.
aku masa di sana atu lupa message parents ku.
dorang suruh aa. astee.
message daling ku pun lupa. hehe sorry kamu.
you know i love you kaann. hee.

lapas kami ke niah, kami went straight to hotel.
barutah ku message dorang. hehe.
75sen rupanya satu message atu.
pikir tah 50.
confident dah ku message si girlfriend tu balik balik :p
masa di hotel dalam pukul 6 atu kami tarus mandi and turun makan.
hehe seorang orang bah lapar dari pagi inda makan.
kami makan KFC. hee nyaman jua laa.
lapas atu kami jalan shopping.
wardhy, delson, kuang and me saja.
yang lain sama yang lain. paaeenn.
aku beli seluar pendek. lawa seluar ah.
haha wardhy, kuang sama aku bali sama seluar. rugged wah kami betiga memakai atuu :p
do re mi~ :p
then kami jalan ke tempat lain cari baju. cari baju wah yang batah ani.
aku tecari pulang dah, sekalinya....
mahal :( lawa dah tu.
kalau ku pakai, guarantee si girlfriend melting meliat :p
kan, love? haha. i love youu :p
pukul 9 lalu kami balik semula hotel. kali laa.
9.30+ turun lagi.
tapi sama michelle, zami sama wardhy saja.
kira kan ke parkson la, sekalinya hujan :(
so aku gtau arah imperial restaurant saja. hee.
macam urang kaya wah kami.
or before kami ke sana, diy sama umie joined us.

kami stayed there until 12.
the rest of the class joined us.
kecuali sideq. ia bukan class kami.
siuk lah kami cerita.
time atu si girlfriend tidur awal aa.
hee sian.

esuknya kami ke taman awam miri.
siuk jua laa. kami ketawa bebalik! :D
then lapas atu sir bawa kami ke parkson.
lunch and tarus shopping :)
tapi inda jua ku membali apa apa.

then balik to hotel to check out.
aku bali baju sana.
di rage. rugged kali aa.
ada pink :p
then buy something for me and girlfriend :)
nothing special, but er antah a.
my friends said its unique.
hope you like it, love. hee.

kami balik lapas shopping atu.
sir bali itik ah. haha inda halal katanya.
sia sia pun :p
then kami ke e mart sekajap.
then balik~
sir banyak cakap ah. aku inda layan.
wohoo. sian dorang del sama wardhy tepaksa layan ia sepanjang jalan :p
nyaman tidur ku lagi.
sorry sir, mata ku lagi penting.

as soon kami sampai border, aku tebangun.
'eh, brunei dah ni' haha nampak tia urang imigration aku tidur :p
then texted girlfriend and she's happy :D

im so in love with you, farah. hehe.
♥syakina farah's

Jun 9, 2010

her recent post. i love you, farah ♥

you care,
you ignore,
you listen,
you smile,
you laugh.

you love me as much as i do before and now:)

You tried to be involved in my problem,
you solved it sincerely,

You make a joke whenever there is a chance too,
i laugh,
i smile,

You accompany me,
you filled the silence,
you filled the emptiness in my heart,
you sacrifice everything,

You play with words,
you're sweet,
you smile with so much sincerity,
i smile with gratitude,

You are my moon,
you are my sun,
you are my needs,
you are my wants,
you are the angel and the devil of my life,
you are my guardian angel,
you are my everything,
much more than that,
you are the owner of my heart.
now and forever.
Thats why,

Jun 4, 2010

RL - good man

"Good Man"

You could catch me in the Gentlemen’s club
Substitutin’ lap dances just for love, love, love
goin’ home to an empty house
Thinkin’ who should I call for some fun, hey

I never knew love until you, love
Never thought that I’d fall in love
Till you brought out of me
The man I always knew I could be, baby

I can count the lovers that I’ve had
And all of those relationships gone bad
I wanna thank you for guiding me
And showing me the love

I was just a boy and not a man
Falling deep in love was not the plan
Baby, because of you and what you do
You made me a good man, oh, baby

Used to change my numbers every other week
Gettin’ crazy crank calls from them freaks i'd meet
In V.I.P with a bottle of somethin’
Tryin’ hard to push on some heat

‘Cause I-I never knew love until you, love
You showed me a true love
You gave me the chance
Now I understand how to be a good man, oh, yes

I can count the lovers that I’ve had (I’ve had)
All of those relationships gone bad (Relationships)
I wanna thank you for guiding me
And showing me the love (The love, yes)

I was just a boy and not a man (Not a man, no)
Falling deep in love was not the plan
Baby, because of you (You, you, you) and what you do
You made me a good man

Thank you for lovin’ me
Where is the love that you promised to love and
When was the love that we share, where is your love,
oh, yeah
But if it ain't you, my love’s for nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody

I can count the lovers that I’ve had (Baby, baby)
All of those relationships gone bad
I wanna thank you for guiding me
And showing me the love

I was just a boy and not a man
Falling deep in love was not the plan
Baby, because of you and what you do
You made me a good man, oh, baby

It’s all because of

song introduced by Lutfi HAM :)

i love you, farah :)

Jun 3, 2010

FARAH was here just to update this blog

okay, here comes a post from me, i'll try to make it short and simple, but yet meaningful:) hopefully.
The only thing i feel like emphasising here is about the day that will stick in our mind hopefully forever and ever :)
Obviously, its a long story before sii Falah reached the decision to have me as his *ehem2* *dont wanna mention about the long wait. JOKE!*
SO, in summary, tanggal 01-06-10 (bukan saja Hari Gawai), we changed our relationship status from being friends to you know what it is~:)
That clearly states when is our anniversay O.O

its a new beginning:)

i'm sorry if there is a mistake in grammar.
now and forever <3

May 25, 2010

one week till holiday :D

hey! :D
its been awhile.
tell me you miss me. paaenn.
anyhow, holiday is next week. have you planned anything yet?
i bet you do. dont waste it :p

here's some update about me.
recently, i feel great and er shock?
i fall in love again. just like the old time.
last 2 years ago.
on this day we're *exgf and me* suppose to be celebrating our 3 years together.
but pasal ia fnjsdcnie, we broke up.
and now, im in love lagi.
didnt know i could find you, angel S :)
youre my everything, and you know that ;)

i love you. hehe ♥

May 14, 2010

its over, baby!

AS sudah habis!

oh shot!
i have MPRs in a few days.
main tag team kamu ah -.-'

May 4, 2010


AS is on the 13th and its like a week to go!
presents will be given if i managed to get at least C.
its like having a supermodel girlfriend! or maybe girlfriendSSS!
i need to stop facebook, tweeting and so from now on.
focus focus focus.
and stop text messaging. haha *yea right :p*

May 1, 2010

today the 1st May

its the worst day ever! :)
kalah wah hadrah ah.
no 4 kah or 6. inda ku tau nyainta.

and bula pun kalah tah jua.
hampa eeehh.

but its alright ;)
i tried my best along side with my teammates :D
you guys are the best!
i know we can win, i know you can~ (8)

congrats to the legend for wining.
youre the best ;)

Apr 30, 2010


it will be a big BIG day.
morning will be hadrah competition at stpri.
we had been practicing from noon till night at 10pm.
hope all our hard work paid the price.
haha apakan :p

afternoon at 2 MD league.
DHU against my ex team SUPERFLY.
may the best team wins, and i hope it will be an interesting match ;)
walautah kami kalah. hehe.
fun is everything :)

Apr 25, 2010


our last league games was held yesterday.
we played against RDV.
i was put as a sub until second half.
glad. hehe.
SHE was there and 'charged' me up.
i played well though it rains hard.
i first our team wants to play real, but it turns out to be 'just for fun match'

here's one good news.
i scored yesterday!
it was 5mins from the time.
i dont think its lucky hehe.
so final score DHU 4 - 2 RDV.

♡i love HER :)♥

Apr 12, 2010

second league match.

DHU played against eX! and the result was

eX! 0 - 4 DHU.

congrats to all players :)

next will be the legend.
and then RDV.

Apr 10, 2010


MD league start dah.
DHU match was on during the first day the league against HG.
i didnt played well.
though we win six to nothing :)

monday, eX will entertain us on our second match of the league.
wish me and the team the best luck.
do come and support ;)

sorry, bad english.

bye :)

Apr 3, 2010

as what i promised

yesterday i said i wanted to post the final score of our today's futsal.
and guess what?
i miss calculate it :(
and so do the others.
but we're winning. haha.
thats a good thing :)

sorry about the disappointment.
anyhow, the match between eX and cobra *sp* was disappointing.
eX lost 4-2 to the ex-sas students.
haha anyhow, congrats to the winner.
and better luck next time :)

Apr 2, 2010

im bored

i took some pictures from mi' facebook.
and made some story out of it.

tomorrow at there'll be a street soccer match between..
DHU ft and the predator

we'll be wearing our jersey. FOR ZE FIRST TIME :D

ze old photo of our jersey.

right after the match, i'll record our result here. insya Allah.

recording.... haha.

for sure i will not wear this boots tomorrow :)

after ze match, hi-tea would be nice :)

i miss when ze time we hugged each other.
ohh. its a cruel life for being single.


remember about my post about we're done and that she'd a liar?
yes, we're now officially 'not together'.
we're friends but i dont want to.
i dont need a friend thats a liar.
i'll meet her so-called ex boyfriend sometime soon.


Mar 27, 2010

night at centerpoint.

last night was awesome! me cousins and myself were enjoying our time at the centerpoint hotel.
brother lutfi, nayeef, wafiy and me didnt slept the whole night.
we laugh and laugh and laugh and chitchat all night while playing big 2.
abang ipan slept early for some reasons.
abang icam was with his 'ma'am' haha.

just for a record,
i met with aqilah si lovelove at the hotel. she was :D
we met sekajap saja and she went home.
i just slept for 3 hours.
im not feeling quiet well now.


i hate you -_-'


i'll private this blog by next month. do text me kalau kan minta invite.
thankyouu :)

Mar 25, 2010


im still with her.
she got everything, and i just cant leave her.
she's somehow sweet.
its hard to resist but to be with her.
sorry. was mad that time :)

Mar 24, 2010

goodbye :)

i think we're done.
you're useless. liar.
i'm so over you.
BYE :')

Mar 23, 2010

could this be real?

liverpool away kit

its nice, but i dont really like it.
looks like arsenal's away kit to me.

Mar 17, 2010

tomorrow will be the last day :D

make sure to finish up all your assignments.
and do this at home :D


Mar 14, 2010


there's something about her that makes me go lalalaaa~
she loves me :)

Mar 12, 2010


now i know that the world is small,
and its hard to reached the top without hard work.

if you cant get the girl you wished for,
then you have to let her go.
wish her happy with life.
there must be someone who is much better than her.
who will be there for you through the cold nights,
who will be the one who support you in everything,
and trust you with her life.
never force someone to love you cause its pointless.
she'll surely hurt with it.

girls are not a toy you can play with.
they have feeling just like the men do, but more sensitive in some way.
do respect them, love them the way you do to yourself.
treat them like she's the only one for you, even if she's not. lol.

Mar 7, 2010

look whose birthday is today and yesterday

Amal Naquiah, 6th march.
Muhd Najhi, 7th march.

Mar 5, 2010

last night at the family function.

khatam al-quran and pes tournament were held last night at sungai besar.
i was almost the whole me after something happened during school.
maybe i put on so many hope on her.
antah lah. antam saja tiaa.
anyhow, i won the second place in the pes tournament.
i was so lucky.
i didn't put so much effort on every games since she didn't reply me text.
im just, er worry?

Feb 26, 2010

nya urang APA ADA?

nya hamba..
"hamba ada kaca mata baru. lawa jua laa.
kemarin ku menyimbat di Madewa.
kacak wah hamba bemata empat atu.

hamba baru balik bakas jalan tadi dari kiulap punya wahau.
sebelum atu, arah uncle hamba.
esuk malam pun ada tu di sana.
siyuk tu.
ada colouring kuntes, dart tornamen, pingpong and barangkali bula jua.
lucky draw? hari minggu gayanya.
tapi hari minggu jua nikah nya.
antah eh. jangan tanya hamba.
hamba hanya insan biasa.

majal jua ia ani.
lagi, hamba sudah memandu dan mendapat lisen panuh.
inda cemburu?
seluruh berunai ku jalani sudah.
buring ku menderaip ani banarnya.
kalau sama kawan siuk kali?
balum ku cuba.
nanti tah.

nanti saja lagi.
elek taja.
tweet lagi.

salam sejahtera pembaca.
p/s: i love lame posts :)

Feb 24, 2010


i shouldn't have said I GIVE UP.


Feb 23, 2010

happy 23rd february!



updated. hehe :p

Feb 11, 2010

special greetings

this special greetings goes to the one and only


panjang umur and murah rezki, brader.
cepat cepat tah ambil lisen.
dapat bawa jalan. hehe :)
bah kalau kan celebrate, jangan lupa yang jauh ani aa :D

Feb 9, 2010

world oh world

good news. but i lied. lol.
i got U for geo AS level.
june will be the real one.

Feb 6, 2010


congrates to all yang pass in the o'level exams :D
especiallt to my sis and cousins.
yang inda dapat atu, cuba lagi.
belajar pelahan-lahan :)

Feb 4, 2010

geo field trip.

it was FUN! we had our bbq beside having a study trip. i'd say it was the best field trip i ever had. well, so far. lol.

and about the report and presentations, we are half way done. i have the best group mate ;)

ohh. i know you want to know this. its hot and its new.
i have a crush on this girl for quiet a while now.
and i think i should make my move faster.
or not.
since my juniors are coming.
but i love her.
wait, i like her. very much. HEHE.
i have my time. i have plenty of time.
i'll have to wait :)
i know she's also into me.

Jan 29, 2010

i miss you - darren hayes

Gimme a reason
Why I'm feeling so blue
Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you
Gimme a reason
Why I can't feel my heart
Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart

And when you're fast asleep, I wonder where you go
Can you tell me, I wanna know

Because I miss you
And this is all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
I think about you when you're gone
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on

Gimme a reason
Why I can't concentrate
The world is turning upside down
Spinning round and round
Gimme a reason
Why I now understand
The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me

You got a way of spreading magic everywhere
Anywhere I go, I know you're always there
It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room
There's a part of me that just wants to follow you too

Because I miss you
And this is all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
I think about you when you're gone
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on

It's such a hard life in most of the time
I'm just surviving
That's why I want you to know
In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning
You fill my world with so much hope

And I miss you
This is all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
I think about you when you're gone
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on

You know I miss you
And this all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all

You know I miss you
And this is all I wanna do
I know it doesn't sound too cool
But maybe I'm in love with you

You know I miss you
And this all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on

I just miss you
Yeah, it's true
I miss you, baby
And when you're walking out that door
I know I miss you
You make me wanna ask for more
I just miss you
Yeah, it's true
I miss you, baby

don't say you don't like this song.
lawa kali \m/

Jan 26, 2010

yeeehhaaaaa :D

31st january 2010 will be uor first geography trip for this year :D
there will be about 280 students joining from different colleges.

but. haaha there'll always be a BUT when it comes to school.
after the trip, i have to complete the torturing task. haha.
that is to make a full report about the trip and a complete presentation on coastal thingy.
im the group leader *kambang la sikit :p* so, i'll be the blamed one if it sucks -_-

my group was the first one who complete the project work.
if anyone asked, i'd simply answer ' you need a professional actor to finished the work on time'
haha im an ass :D
yet, ........
oh. my group member is nadz, yez, redza and qilah.
special credits to fakhrul.

bye byee :D

Jan 17, 2010

if rafa benitez to be sacked

i'll vote for a big YES!
you need money, you need a good manager.
you need money, you need to win every matches.
as simple as that..


Jan 16, 2010

this is why i hate school.

  • homeworks
  • classworks
  • waking up early
  • no time to do my own stuff
  • no time to hang out
  • nada masa kan tidur secukupnya

but i love school because.. :D
  • ada school trip :D
  • ada kawan
  • ada kan di buat
  • dapat kacau cikgu. HAHA
  • dapat income. sikit. hehe.
  • buleh jadi pandai *yaletuu :p*

okay. byee :)

Jan 10, 2010

bla bla blaa.

i know its too late to say this, tapi biar tia.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! its a brand new decade :D
wish aku and semua lah happy this year :)
mudahan ku bejaya. hehe. aminn.
sekulah jua akhir nya.
tapi homeworks ku macam apa.
belum tegarak ah.
kena marah niii kalau balum siap.

ohh. i know this one girl.
she's emm interesting and fun to be with.
haha okay, scratch that.
i not ready lagi.
maybe after exams?
you know i love you, right?
